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Computing at The Pines

“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs

Vision and Intent

At The Pines, our vision for the teaching of Computing is that children will leave our school being able to use technology in a socially responsible and safe way and will be equipped with the knowledge and skills for an ever-changing digital world. Technology is everywhere so we want to prepare our pupils by modelling and educating them in how to use technology positively, creatively and safely throughout our curriculum.

We aim to:

  • Provide a balanced, stimulating and creative curriculum which will equip them with the skills and knowledge they need for the future
  • Provide opportunities for children to use their computational skills to understand and solve problems
  • Educate children on how to keep themselves safe online
  • Provide opportunities for children to apply the knowledge and skills they have learnt to other areas of the curriculum in creative ways


Our Curriculum Drivers are reflected through our Computing curriculum as it:

Helps children understand THEIR PLACE IN OUR WORLD, by recognising common uses of information technology beyond school and being able to learn about and link with people from different countries.

Gives children opportunities through LANGUAGE and ORACY to communicate with other people in a variety of ways.

Enables children to LEARN the SKILLS of computational thinking which is a transferable skill and can be used in other subjects as well as computing.

Promotes a HEALTHY MIND as the children are being taught how to keep safe on the internet, how to use it positivity and learning to use it in moderation.


At The Pines, the Computing curriculum is delivered through a scheme of work called ‘Purple Mash’. The Purple Mash curriculum is structured into units for each year group, and each unit is broken down into lessons. Where possible, the units are linked to the topic that is being taught.  


 E-safety is threaded throughout the Computing curriculum and the wider curriculum. There are specific lessons linked to a unit, but it can also be used to teach a stand-alone lesson if an e-safety issue arises and needs to be addressed. 


Children have weekly computing lessons delivered in the classrooms on laptops.  Children have access to iPad and laptops to deliver other areas of the curriculum where they can practise their skills they have been taught.  

Computing at The Pines



The impact of our teaching in Computing is evidenced through teacher assessment, an end of unit piece of work and lesson observations. Children will be able to use Computing vocabulary confidently and by Year 5 and 6 will be able to independently choose to present their work in Computing and other curriculum areas in different ways using technology.

Aims of our Computing curriculum:

  • Children at The Pines will have developed skills to express themselves, be creative and be equipped so they can apply their skills in Computing to different challenges as they progress in their education.
  • Children at The Pines will be able to demonstrate their computational skills to solve complex problems by understanding what the problem is and developing possible solutions. They can present these solutions in a way that a computer, a human, or both, can understand.
  • Children at The Pines will be safe users of technology and use it in a positive and socially responsible way.
  • Children at The Pines will be able to transfer their Computing knowledge and skills to other areas of the curriculum