School Meals
Lunch menu and information
Our school lunches are provided by Harrisons. They offer three meals options daily on a three week rotating menu. The cost of a meal is £2.60. All lunches need to be paid for in advance and lunch accounts need to be in credit. Please see below for the latest menu. You can pay for your children's meals online using the School Gateway.
Current Harrisons Lunch Menus
Packed lunches
Packed lunches should be healthy. They should be bought in a lunch box which is stored in class areas until the children are called for lunch. Please do not included cans of fizzy drink, chocolate bars or glass bottles.
Research shows that children who eat a healthy, balanced diet are able to concentrate for longer periods of time. Meals high in sugar result in an afternoon 'slump', which can cause tiredness, lack of concentration and irritability.
Please note that we are a NUT FREE SCHOOL because we have children and staff who are allergic to nuts, which is a life threatening condition. Please ensure the following items are not bought into school:
- Packs of nuts
- Peanut butter sandwiches
- Nutella or similar spreads
- Fruit or cereal bars that contain nuts
- Chocolate products that contain nuts
- Cakes made with nuts
Entitlement to Free School Meals
If you are receiving one of the benefits listed below, your child will be entitled to Free School Meals:
- Universal Credit, provided they have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 (£616.67 per month)
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- Support under Part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
- the guarantee element of Pension Credit
- Child Tax Credit, provided they are not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HMRC
- Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
If you are entitled to Working Tax Credit during the 4-week period immediately after your employment stops, or after you start to work less than 16 hours per week, your child would also be eligible to free school meals for this 4-week period only.
Universal infant free school meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible to receive a free school meal.
All children who are, or whose parents are, claiming one of the above eligibility criteria will trigger additional government funding for the school they attend. This funding will be invested in your child at school. Some schools offer help with uniforms or discounted school trips for those children triggering the extra funding.
Therefore even if your child is attending Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and is automatically entitled to claim a free school meal, it is important that parents still apply for the pupil premium funding. This will make sure the school receives the funding to which they are entitled to.