Year 5
Miss Owen & Miss Hipkin
Mrs Highgate and Mrs Quarterman
Welcome to our Elder Class webpage where you can find information about our classroom routines, current learning and some recommended websites and information to help! If you have any questions, please contact me via the school email address: admin@thepinesschool.org.uk
Hello, my name is Miss Owen and I am delighted to be teaching Elder class this year. When I am not teaching, I enjoy playing football, watching lots of different sports, reading and spending time with my family. I cannot wait to see what exciting things the year has in store for Elder class and to be working with parents/carers throughout their child's journey in Year 5!
Creature Clay Models in English
Meet the Teacher
Classroom routines:
Our main classroom door for the start and end of the school day is at the bottom of the top playground slope.
Classroom doors open at 8:40am and the school day ends at 3:10pm.
Our regular PE lessons will be on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon. Children should come to school wearing their PE kit on both of those day and have their jewellery either removed, taped or covered for those sessions.
Current Learning:
This term, in Year 5, we will be studying the Ancient Maya and will be discussing, and responding, to the question: How do beliefs influence behaviour? We will be studying the physical and human geography of Mexico and will make comparisons with the UK. As part of this unit, we will be reading ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. In our writing lessons, we will be continuing to write a range of genres, including narrative pieces and biographies. We will be focusing on using vocabulary to create mood and using a range of devices to build cohesion within, and across, paragraphs. Our lessons in maths will focus on fractions, decimals and percentages, and we will continue to our apply our knowledge to real-life problems. Our science lessons will focus on forces and we will conduct experiments to investigate gravity, air resistance and upthrust. In music, we will be creating compositions, linked to the festival of colour, before moving on to eight-beat tracks. In DT, we will be designing and making structures, such as bridges, and then will develop our cooking skills, with a focus on combining ingredients to create a bolognaise. Our PE lessons will enable us to work on our communication and tactics in invasion games
At the moment, we are particularly focusing on this learning:
Non-Chronological Reports - We will be writing non-chronological reports, with the aim of producing a class anthology about mythical creatures. We will develop our understanding of the following things:
- Paragraphs
- Brackets, dashes and commas for parenthesis
- Organising information using headings and sub-headings
- Fronted Adverbials
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
Recommended Websites:
Method videos - https://whiteroseeducation.com/parent-pupil-resources/maths/home-learning?year=year-5-new
Times tables - https://ttrockstars.com/
Telling the time - https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time
Problem solving - https://nrich.maths.org/9086