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Year 1

Miss Scholz

Mrs Edgar, Mrs Molloy, Miss Betts, Miss Cox


Welcome to the Maple class page! Here you will find lots of information about what we are doing this term as well as information about our routines, PE days and our weekly 'Star of the Week'! Firstly, let me introduce myself:


Teacher Bio


Miss Scholz

Hello! I am Miss Scholz and I am so excited to be your Year 1 teacher in Maple Class. I am originally from sunny Australia and I have been living in England for 6 years! I have worked as a teacher for 9 years working across Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3, including working in Specialist provision. All of my family live back in Australia, so I love travelling home to see them. I am thrilled to be part of The Pines School community and I cannot wait for our adventures together this year!


Class Routines


School gates open at 8:40 and the day finishes at 3:10. Our main classroom door for the start and end of the school day is Maple Class, located by the gate near EYFS.


Our PE lesson is on a Wednesday; children should come to school wearing their PE kit. We will also be doing a daily run every morning, and engaging with outdoor play in our self-led learning daily. Please send in wellies for pupils to keep at school for outdoor learning!


We will change reading books on a Monday and Thursday.  However, please bring your child's reading book and diary in every day, as they will read three times a week with an adult during Reading sessions. Reading books will be changed when an adult has signed in your child's reading record.


Autumn 1 Current Learning

Home Sweet Home

Can you choose where you belong?


In Year One follow a continuous provision approach which may look similar to our Reception classroom. In our topic this term we will be learning about our world by exploring each of the continents and learning the oceans that surround them.


Phonics: We follow the Little Wandle Phonics Programme where by every child learns 4 new sounds a week. If any children struggle within their phonics learning we may support them with additional 'Keep Up' activities. There are many games and websites that you can use, for example phonics play which is a free resource. We encourage the children to put sound buttons on their words to ensure they slow down and spot the diagraphs/ trigraphs. This term we will focus on revisiting Phase 3 and Phase 4 sounds.


Art: During this half term we will be looking at self-portraits. Pupils will use a range of materials creatively to design and create their self-portrait. Pupils will use their painting and drawing to develop and share their perception of the world and themselves.


English: We will be continuing to develop the children’s independence to write a simple sentence with capital letters, finger spaces and punctuation. We will also be focusing on writing questions, as this will support children with their summative piece of work: to write a letter home to a grandparent asking about toys they played with as a child.


Maths: In Autumn 1, we will be focusing on 'Place Value (within 10)'. Through this, we will be developing subitising strategies and moving between concrete, pictorial and abstract methods. Year 1 will be sorting, counting and representing objects; counting on and backwards; and using the language 'compare', 'less than' and 'greater than'. Alongside our core Maths learning, we will be using Number Sense to consolidate pupils' fluency.


Geography: As a class, we are tracking the weather daily which will lead to us making observations of weather patterns across the year. We will be doing weather walks to observe the changing of the season and observing the different types of trees and plants. Additionally, we will learning about 'birds-eye view' and we will create a map of the classroom.


History: We are all very excited about our 'Home Sweet Home' unit looking of looking at toys from 'then' and 'now'. Pupils will be placing toys on a timeline and asking questions about old fashioned toys. This will tie closely into our English writing unit!


PE: The children will be focusing on their locomotion skills during PE sessions. We are also learning about the importance of stretching and practicing different stretches daily. 


PSHE: Our main focus is on behaviours for learning: working together as a Team; focussing on learning for a long time; persevering and problem-solving; developing our own ideas and using prior-knowledge and developing curiosity.


DT: We will be constructing puppets! Pupils will learn to join fabrics together using different methods, design their puppet, make and join their puppet and decorate!

Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words

Recommended Websites: - quickfire number games to help children learn basic number facts - Number games to reinforce the concept of place value - Fun songs with actions to teach many learning concepts in English, Maths and other subjects. This is my new favourite resource! - Loads of story telling, poetry and punctuation short films to watch. - Useful Maths short films to watch. Fractions and telling the time would be particularly good ones to try. - Games from any of the Maths categories will really help your child practise skills they have learnt at school. - great game for learning common exception words. - this is a great website with some typing games - one of our Maple Class favourites. We use this for mindfulness and breathing, dancing, and stretching. It also has some wonderful videos that link to topics such as STEM, Sports and The Great Outdoors.


Our expectations for homework are as follows: 

Reading: Reading aloud with an adult progressing to more independent reading as often as possible. 

Spellings: Children should be able to spell all words on the Statutory Word Lists for year 1.  

Project: Each half term, children are expected to complete a project that is linked to their current topic.
