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Continuous Provision

Continuous Provision

Play is the highest form of research - Albert Einstein


In Early Years and Key Stage 1, we use a teaching and learning approach called Continuous Provision where carefully planned environments enable children to pursue their own interests during 'self-led learning time'. Research shows that young children benefit from a curriculum that is play-based and 'hands on' and where there is a greater degree of choice. Piaget (1952) described the stage of development between 2 and 6 years as being a time when children learn to use language, begin to represent ideas using pictures and objects and are highly active, learning through pretend play and first-hand experiences. The use of Continuous Provision beyond Early Years and into Key Stage 1 is also supported by Early Excellence, an organisation that is established as a national leader in the pedagogy and practice of teaching young children.


Continuous Provision is well established within our Early Years setting, we are in our third year of using this approach in Year 1 and our second year in Year 2. There is a mix of adult-led teaching, small group work and self-led learning times when children engage in learning of their own choice. There is a focus on providing many opportunities for repeated practise in the environment so that children can demonstrate what they know, remember and understand in ways they choose. Our classrooms are language rich places, where the youngest children in the school discuss, negotiate and roleplay. They regularly demonstrate fantastic independence and engagement in their learning, responding positively to the challenges they are set by their teachers.

Our Continuous Provision
