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Writing at The Pines


“If you want to be a writer you must do two things above all others: read a lot, and write a lot.”  Stephen King


Vision and Intent

Our vision is for children to become confident writers who are engaged in their writing. The skills taught and developed during their time at The Pines will improve their opportunities in the future.


We aim to:

  • Produce extended pieces of writing for a variety of purposes.
  • Consistently expose children to high quality spoken and written language which they are able to apply to their own work.
  • Develop oral language skills so children can talk and write in grammatically correct sentences.
  • Grow reflective writers who are able to edit and improve their own work.
  • Explicitly teach the skills needed to produce great writing, including spelling and handwriting.


Our Curriculum Drivers are reflected through our Writing curriculum as it:

Develops their understanding of THEIR PLACE IN OUR WORLD by exploring stories from other cultures and writing for a range of audience and purposes

Gives children the skills needed in LANGUAGE AND ORACY so they are able to communicate 

Encourages children to improve their LEARNING SKILLS with opportunities to edit and improve their writing

Gives children the tools to be creative and encourages self-expression which supports our HEALTHY MIND driver




Writing is taught using the Talk for Writing approach in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 at The Pines. Foundation Stage also use elements of this approach when introducing children to writing.

“The Talk for Writing approach enables children to read and write independently for a variety of audiences and purposes within different subjects. A key feature is that children internalise the language structures needed to write through ‘talking the text’, as well as close reading. The approach moves from dependence towards independence, with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.”

Children are taught to write for a range of purposes and audiences.







Key Story 1: Little Red Hen


Key Story 2: Gingerbread Man


Writing Focus: Words with taught graphemes

Key Story 1: Three Little Pigs


Key Story 2: We’re going on a bear hunt

Writing Focus: Captions


Key Story 1: Jack and the beanstalk


Key Story 2:

Writing Focus: Sentences

Year 1



Letter formation and sentences

Writing to recount: Letters

Response to book

Amazing Human Achievements

Writing to narrate

Writing to recount: Diaries

Response to book


Planet Earth

Writing to narrate

Writing to instruct: Instructions

Response to book

Poetry in H&W Week

Year 2


Writing to narrate Repeating phrase

Poetry: Shape

Writing to recount: Letters

Amazing Human Achievements

Writing to narrate Traditional Tale

Writing to recount: Diaries and letters

Planet Earth

Writing to narrate Fable (How ___ got his ___ if this fits)

Writing to inform: Reports

Poetry in H&W Week

Year 3

Stone Age to Iron Age

Writing to describe and narrate: Portal story/Meeting

Writing to recount: Diary

Invention: Christmas

Ancient Egyptians

Writing to narrate: Traditional Tale with a Twist

Writing to Instruct: Instructions


United Kingdom

Writing to narrate: Warning Tale

Writing to inform: Non-Chronological Report

Poetry in H&W Week

Year 4

Roman Britain

Writing to narrate: Finding Tale

Writing to persuade: Adverts and Letters

Invention: ‘Escape from Pompeii’


Writing to narrate: Fantasy Narrative/Losing Tale

Writing to Explain: Explanation Texts


Our Incredible World

Writing to narrate: Suspense Story/Tale of Fear

Writing to inform: Newspaper Report

Poetry in H&W Week

Year 5


Writing to narrate: Mystery Narrative

Non-Fiction: Reports (Non-chronological and Newspaper)



Writing to narrate: Adventure Story

Writing to explain: Explanation text

Our World and Beyond

Writing to inform: Biography

Writing to narrate: ‘The Lighthouse’

Writing to argue: Persuasion and discussion

Poetry in H&W Week

Year 6


Response to novel

Writing to inform: Non-chronological report

Writing to narrate: Time travel


A Child’s War

Response to novel

Writing to entertain:

Blitz Poetry

Writing to inform:  Historical Recounts


Arrivals & Departures

Response to novel

Writing to entertain:

Setting descriptions

Independent writing



Response to novel

Mixed genres: ‘The Three Little Pigs’

Poetry in H&W Week




At The Pines, there is a weekly spelling focus in all Key Stage 2 classes, whilst Key Stage 1 and EYFS predominately follow a phonics programme. The spellings taught follow the National Curriculum guidance, building on from phonics.


It is the aim of The Pines that every child develops a fluent, legible style of handwriting.

  • Capital and lower-case letters are taught to be used appropriately and the letter size should be consistent.
  • We provide opportunities for children to develop, practise and perfect skills and provide targeted support to any child experiencing difficulty.
  • Staff teach and model the Nelson font (see Appendix 3).
  • In Foundation Stage, children develop hand eye co-ordination, gross and fine motor skills to support handwriting. Handwriting is implemented in EYFS as follows:
      • Children use a range of tools to develop drawing lines and circles using gross motor skills e.g. swirling ribbons, batting balls, painting.
      • Children use a range of materials to develop fine motor skills e.g. wax crayons, markers, pencils, sponges, chunky brushes, cotton wool balls, shaving foam, finger paints, etc.
      • Children practice manipulative skills e.g. cooking, playing with constructions, threading and playing instruments.
      • Children use variety of tools and paper, indoors and outdoors for purposeful writing. e.g. role play, labelling, making cards.
      • Children physically develop the movements of letter shapes using gross motor skills (linked to music and sounds) to gain confidence with the basic movements and flow of writing.
      •  Children are introduced to letters in line with their phonics programme.

Key Documents
