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Year 5 and 6

Mrs Whitehouse

Mrs Rundle and Mrs Cereda


Welcome to our class page.  We hope you will find it useful and it will let you know what we are currently learning about in school.


Hello. I'm Mrs Whitehouse and this is my third year at The Pines.  I live in Crowthorne with my husband, my two daughters and my dog Amber.  I love reading, cooking and sewing.  My favourite colour is blue and I am happiest when I am with my family on a beach, listening to the waves lapping the shore.  

I am really looking forward to teaching Juniper class again this year.  


Class Routines

Our main classroom door for the start of the day is in the courtyard.  You will be dismissed from the classroom door at the front.


Our regular P.E lessons will be on Wednesday afternoons and Friday afternoons. Children should come to school wearing P.E kit on both of those days.  


SATs information meeting

Meet the Teacher September 2023

Current Learning

This term, our curriculum learning is 'Changes' with the aim of answering the big questions:  How does change affect/impact out identity? For the full details of this unit, have a look at our Knowledge Organiser below. 

Our class reader will be Can you See Me by Libby Scott and Rebecca Westcott.

At the moment, we are particularly focusing on the following:

English:  Leading on from our science topic last term of Evolution and Inheritance, we are looking at Just So Stories and writing our own.  We are focusing on making sure we use speech to convey character and move the action forward, as well making sure our work is punctuated correctly. 

Maths:  Mrs Whitehouse's maths group are focusing on shape, whilst revising fractions, decimals and percentages work.  Mrs Clark's class are looking at statistics and then moving onto properties of shape.  

Science: This terms science is Life Cycles.  We will be coming the life cycles of different animals,  before moving onto looking at the human life cycle in more detail.  We will be looking at this in more detail as part of our SRE after half term.  We will also be looking at reproduction in plants.

PHSE: In the first half of the term, we will be considering how to keep ourselves safe, exploring the dangers of addiction and how to stay safe online. 

Art: We will be exploring art as activism.  We will be combing collage and printing to put across messages we feel strongly about.

RE:  In our R.E lesson, we will be exploring freedom and justice.  


Star Work of the Week



Well done to Lara for this atmospheric poem about The Blitz.

Well done to Lara for this atmospheric poem about The Blitz.

Ethan has made a fantastic start to his Blitz recount this week:

I was sleeping in my bed when it happened again. The ear-splitting noises of the sirens made me leap out of bed. Seconds later a loud BOOM could be heard as rubble danced in the air. My house had been destroyed! People ran and shouted as bombs flattened homes and memories. I ran like the wind to the bunker. I couldn't make it in time - it closed, so I ducked under some rubble. Fire burnt worlds that humans tried to make for themselves. Buildings crumbled as people were lost to the fire. A bomb smashed into my house again, destroying anything left. The clouds were replaced by smoke and hope replaced by hopelessness. 

Once the air raid stopped and the all clear sounded, the fire men came to put out the fires that were eating the buildings innards. 

Parent Communication

Please do not hesitate to contact me on the class email:

