Physical Education at The Pines
"If you don't stand for something, you can fall for anything" Steve Bartkowski NFL player
"Intelligence and skills can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong" John F Kennedy
Vision and Intent
At The Pines our vision is to create and teach an active curriculum which allows all children to reach their full potential through sport and physical activity. We believe in promoting an inclusive PE curriculum whereby children can all succeed and flourish.
At The Pines, we aim to:
- Inspire and engage children’s interest in sporting activities through providing a wide range of sporting opportunities through PE lessons, clubs and out of school competitions
- Implement an inclusive PE curriculum whereby all children have equal opportunity to learn and develop skills and an enjoyment of sport
- Promote an interest in children’s own physical wellbeing as well as encouraging a healthy lifestyle
- Expose children to a wide range of activities and games which develop the skills needed for a variety of sports
At The Pines we teach PE by developing a child’s skill set in a key area such as ball skills or striking and fielding. This gives our children transferable skills which can be implemented into sports such as basketball and cricket. We believe this method of teaching benefits the children by providing them with a wide range of skills which they build upon as they move through the school. Additionally, this allows children to work alongside others in a team, thus also teaching important social skills such as teamwork and communication. Every child participates in two PE lessons a week; one indoor slot in our school gym, and one outdoor slot where the field and playgrounds will be used. All staff follow lesson plans which have been prepared and provided by the subject lead. This ensures consistency and continuity when progressing children’s skills throughout their schooling. In EYFS, teachers use their own initiative and planning to provide lessons which begin to develop children’s physical skills such as movement and balance.
- PE is taught in 2 lessons each week (2 hours per week), one lesson is taught by the class teacher and one is taught by a sports coach.
- PE is assessed during the lesson and adaptations made for pupils at the point of learning.
- Key stage 1 children have access to the adventure playground at breaktime and lunchtime
- Key Stage 2 children have access to fitness equipment every break and lunchtime.
Children who partake in fitness activities outside of school will be celebrated within the school community.
Key Documents
Our children will be fit and healthy, they will know how to recognise healthy lifestyles and healthy eating. Our children will be able to articulate what it means to be healthy. Our children will have a love of sport and exercise and have enjoyment in taking part in activities.
The teaching of PE will be high quality and children will be given the skills to equip them for life and develop their healthy body and healthy mind.