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SEND Provision


The Pines School has a named SENDCo who has undertaken the Government SENDCo qualification and a named Governor responsible for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). They ensure that the SEND policy works within the guidelines and inclusion policies of the 2014 SEN Code of Practice (DfES 2014), the local authority and other policies current in the school.


A child or young person has special educational needs (SEND) if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special education and provision to be made for him or her. This may occur for the whole or part of their journey through The Pines.


At The Pines, we strongly believe that every child, including those with special educational needs, should be given the opportunity to reach their full potential in school. Our aim is always to be fully inclusive, meeting the needs of every child in the most appropriate way.


All staff are teachers of educational needs and are aware of the procedures for identifying, assessing, monitoring and making provision for any child with a special education need.


Our SENCo is Mrs Claire Chandler


Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) at The Pines Primary School


Our school vision and motto is Be Your Best


Believe: We are a community who inspire all to believe in themselves and hold courageous aspirations.

Excellence: Through a fun and engaging curriculum we develop the skills to excel as lifelong learners.

Safe: We take responsibility for the safety of ourselves, others and the environment.

Team: We nurture a culture of respect, kindness and collaboration so that we can be the best team.


Our vision to ‘Be Your Best’ is at the heart of all that we do at The Pines and we believe that every child can succeed. We want all members of our school community to have high aspirations and to feel confident about the future, looking forward to the opportunities it will bring.  This will include all pupils with SEND and we have a desire to ensure our pupils with SEND are part of an inclusive environment with high quality provision.



There is a really useful support group for parents of children on the autistic spectrum. 

This service is free and offers free workshops to attend as well as individual support for families.



