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Year 3 - Mrs Mossom & Mrs Drury


Welcome to our class page. We hope you will find it useful and it will let you know what we are currently learning about in school.


Meet the Teacher Presentation


Class Routines

Our main classroom door for the start and end of the school day is the Year 3 playground door (as it was in Year 2).


Our regular PE days are Monday and Thursday, the Thursday lesson is taught by Mr O'Keefe. On these days children should come to school in PE kit.

Mrs Mossom will be teaching Oak on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday with Mrs Drury teaching on a Thursday. On a Wednesday afternoon Mrs Liddel will teach Oak.


Mrs Corrigan will be supporting across Year 3.

Current Learning

This term our learning will focus around our history unit of Stone Age to Iron Age.


Knowledge Organiser Stone Age to Iron Age

Our class novel this half term is: Planet Omar: Accidental Trouble Magnet



Writing: We will be developing our descriptive writing skills by focusing on setting and characters in narrative writing. We will be continuing to develop our handwriting using joining and thinking about spelling strategies to help us spell more accurately.


Maths: We will be consolidating and extending our place value knowledge in order to be confident in using numbers in a variety of ways. Addition and subtraction will then become our next focus. Alongside this we will be building out number facts fluency using a new programme called Number Sense which we will practise daily.


Science: We will be learning rocks, soils and fossils.


PE: We will be developing our skills, tactics and team work in invasions games including tag rugby and netball.


RE: We will be learning about the beliefs of Christianity and Islam, with particular focus on the 5 pillars of Islam.


French: We will be learning about colours and numbers up to 10.


Art: We will being exploring sculpture.


Our expectations for homework are as follows:


Homework sheet: Children to complete the given homework sheet every week. Children will be given the sheet on a Friday which are expected to be completed by the following Thursday so that they can be marked in class. All homework given will be on topics learnt in class recently. 

Reading: Reading aloud with an adult progressing to more independent reading as often as possible, with a minimum expectation of 4 times a week. This can be given school banded book or free reading at home, record any home reading in reading record. These will be checked weekly by the class teacher. 

Spellings: Children should be able to spell all words on the Statutory Word Lists for Years 3/4 by the end of Year 4 so please learn a few at a time.

Times Tables: Children should know;

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 times table by the end of Year 3

Project: Each term, children are expected to complete a project that is linked to their current topic.


See the document below for Homework Guidance for this term.

Autumn Home Learning Year 3
