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Family Support

Parenting is the hardest job in the world. Living with small humans can be fun, but also unpredictable!


Below are a number of different resources and links that may be helpful in your parenting role.

Coffee Mornings


Have you got any concerns or worries? Or maybe you just want to find out a bit more about what goes on in school? Feel free to pop in to one of our regular coffee mornings. It's a great chance to chat to Mrs Williams and to meet other parents. Plus, we have really good biscuits!


We often have people coming in to do activities or to give advice. So far, we have had Makaton sessions, Christmas crafts, Easter Cake decorating, Health advisors. If you have any suggestions, feel free to email Mrs Williams at


We look forward to seeing you at our next coffee morning. Keep an eye on your email for more information. 

Easter Cake Decorating
