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Year 4 - Miss Gardner


Welcome to our class page. We hope you will find it useful and it will let you know what we are currently learning about in school.

Teacher Bio


My name is Miss Gardner and I am teaching Year 4, Chestnut class, this year. I have two children, who both also attend The Pines School. As a family we really enjoy all things outdoors and spend our summer in Cornwall enjoying the waves. I am really looking forward to continuing an excellent year of learning and being our BEST.


I am really excited to be embarking on some further training this year to further my teaching knowledge. This means that on Thursday afternoons and occasionally some other mornings during the week, I will be attending training sessions or observing practice and working alongside other teachers in the school. Mrs Hicks will be teaching Chestnut class at these times.


Mr Watkins will be based in Chestnut class but both he and Mrs Corrigan will be supporting children's learning across year 4 during the week.


Important Class Information


Our main classroom door for the start and end of the school day is the yellow Chestnut playground door.


Reading books can be changed throughout the week as the children finish them. All children should bring their book and record in each day as the children will have opportunities to read throughout the week, it is especially important to ensure reading records are in school on a Friday to allow us to monitor weekly reading.


Children should read at least 4 times a week at home and practice times tables as much as possible. I find it really useful to build reading and Times Tables Rock Stars into our home routine to make this more manageable. You could encourage them to practice times tables whilst dinner is cooking, on the way home from school or whilst the bath is running. 


Our regular PE days are:

  • Thursday
  • Friday

On these days, children should come to school in PE kit. Earrings should be removed or safely covered.


The children can visit the library in school at lunch times. Children should bring in their library book if they want to swap them. 


Please do not hesitate to ask any questions that you may have, either at the door or via the class email account.


Meet the Teacher - September 2023

Homework Expectations

Our expectations for homework are as follows:


Reading: Reading aloud with an adult progressing to more independent reading as often as possible but at least 4 times a week.


Spellings: Children should be able to spell all words on the Statutory Word Lists for Years 3/4. There are 5 words sent home each week to help learn these.


Times Tables: Children should be able to recall all times tables to 12x12 by the end of Year 4. They should be practising daily. This could be using Times Tables Rockstars or 


Project: Each term, children are expected to complete a project that is linked to their current topic.


Weekly Home Learning: In addition to 5 spellings, a small number of Maths calculations and Grammar and/or Punctuation questions are sent home each week to help embed learning from class.


Our Summer Term Learning:


Writing: Writing a fantasy narrative, poetry and writing to explain.

Maths: Decimals, time, shape, money and preparing for our multiplication tests.

Science: After half term, we will be learning about forces and magnets.

PE: Tennis, Rounders and athletics.

RE: Sikhism and Christianity.

French: Weather and Ice Cream

Computing: Making music, online safety and spreadsheets.

Music: 'Three Little birds"


Our class novel this half term is: 



This week our "Star of the Week" is....

Food Tasting on Greek Day

Recommended Websites:
